Title 1 Schools Funding

"Schools may purchase programs, such as Page A Day Math Kits, supported with researchoutlined in the National Math Panel Report, with Title I, Part A funds. Additionally, Education Support Specialist Raquel Alvara at the Arizona Department of Education shared that ADE encourages districts to use the funds on programs that align with tiers I-IV and their local needs assessment. She noted that they prioritize enforcement of the evidence of effectiveness rules for schools receiving funding to support School Improvement efforts under Title I, Sec. 1003."
For answers to your questions about Page A Day Math and Title 1 funding please contact Page A Day Math; Janice@pageadaymath.com or Crescere Strategies; mreneislas@crescere-strat.com, 202-630-1489.
Crescere Strategies LLC is a multi-dimensional strategy consultancy providing government relations services, leadership development, and business growth. M. René Islas is the CEO and Founder of Crescere Strategies LLC. After more than two decades in government as a chief of staff in the U.S. Department of Education, for-profit, and non-profit sectors, he launched the company to support mission-driven organizations to meet their growth goals.