What is Page A Day Math and how does it work? Page A Day Math is the first incremental math book series you can do at home that has an equal emphasis on handwriting for memory. Each book series focuses on a specific math operation and includes 10-13 books. Books can be purchased as a series or individually. Start with Book 1 in each series and have your child complete the front and back of each page. Correct the work when finished and then have your child fix their mistakes. Children color in the completion stars each day when they are done! Once day 14 is complete, your child earns an adorable completion certificate they can put on their wall or your refrigerator!
Which series is right for my child? We have 9 series and more in the works. Each series focuses on a different math operation (addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division) starting with the Pre-K Math Kit for children as young as 3 years old. As soon as your child can hold a crayon or pencil, they can use our math system.
How much should I help my child? This answer depends on your the child’s age, familiarity with the books, and your family’s style. Younger children should complete the work with a parent nearby and should be checked by the parent and corrected by the child as soon as it’s finished. Older children can do the work on their own and bring it to their parents to check and correct once it is complete.
Do I need to correct the problems right away or can it wait until later or the next day? Correcting the problems soon after they are done is more effective for the child because the work is still fresh in their mind, and they are more active in the correction process. It isn’t always realistic to correct the problems right away, so just do the best you can. At the end of the day consistency and practice is what matters most. If they are corrected in a reasonable period, it is fine.
Should my child finish all the problems in each ‘Page A Day’ of practice in one sitting? See what works best for your child. If they get tired before finishing, you can split the session into two. The more they practice, the more they will get used to the number of problems and it will become easier to finish all the problems in one sitting.
Should I let my child do 2 days of practice in one day? We highly recommend you do one day at a time. This prevents fatigue, keeping the books fresh and the child motivated.
Why is handwriting important for math? It can take years to develop good handwriting. Bad habits are difficult to correct, so the more your child can acquire legible handwriting skills early, the easier it will be for teachers to read their assignments. It also helps minimize math errors due to unorganized or work that is difficult to read. After correcting thousands of tests, I have noticed that children with hard-to-read handwriting make more mistakes, even when they know the material well.
Does my child need to trace each problem before solving it? The purpose of these books is twofold: to learn math facts with fluency and to develop great math handwriting habits. The writing process is helpful for remembering facts and tracing is recommended for the best handwriting results.
Should we use flash cards too? Flash cards are a great tool to use as a quick refresher or to focus on the math facts that need a little extra practice. They come in handy since you can carry a few around in the car and only bring the ones your child needs. We will offer Page A Day Math Flash Cards soon.
Should we do this over the summer or school year? You can start any time. The sooner you begin, the sooner your child will be on the road to enjoying math and feeling confident. Each book has 14 days of practice making it easy to figure out how many you need.