I bought this for one of my granddaughter. She loves math and wanted to get ahead. She's doing them completely on her own. What's nice about it is that her mom doesn't need to remind her to do it because she thinks they're fun. Now I need to get one for my other granddaughter.
David B

The struggle as a parent and teacher is real because we know current events have been stressful for all of us, including the kids. Balancing their educational needs with their emotional needs is a delicate thing. I want my children to not lose pace, but I also know there is a danger of adding to their stress by pushing too hard. Page a Day Math is an easy way to fill in the gaps with a smile! My 9 year old now feels very confident in his 6 and 7 multiplication facts which is a big difference from a couple of months ago. It became a morning routine to do their Page a Day Math right after breakfast that I didn't have to enforce too much. That's a wonderful perk for this mom of three!

I’m going to be using the multiplication and division ones with Jake this year. I will be continuing to use the lower levels with Gabe and Lilly. I subscribe to the no stress learning of math.. if you can provide them with something fun that teaches them without them even realizing it it’s a win-win situation! That’s what I really like about these books! Each day is labelled so its easy to keep up with where you should be or easy to work ahead.

It really is helping them with their math facts! Working on one new fact a day doesn't overwhelm them, and they are getting plenty of review with the other facts. It takes them around 5-10 minutes a day to complete a worksheet, so they don't complain at all. It is also something they can do independently! I can see such an improvement so far in how quickly he is recalling the answers to the division and even the multiplication review facts...a great way to really cement the math facts your child is learning into his memory.
Megan R.

My second grade student is at the beginning phase of multiplication. I want her to enjoy mathematics throughout her elementary years and supplementing with this Multiplication Starter Kit has been a wonderful resource thus far.She is a strong person and wants to independently do her schoolwork, but is limited with her reading and vocabulary still. These books are extremely helpful in regards to limiting the amount of wordy instruction, so she is able to read the simple direction and begin working immediately.
Pam H.
All of their products are super cute! The books are colorful and feature the Math Squad, who are delightful characters who encourage the child along the way. All instructions are easy to follow. Adult supervision/assistance is needed at the start of use, but over time the child can complete the sheets independently. Each page only takes a few minutes to complete, so it is easy to integrate this product into even the busiest homeschool day. Page a Day Math does a great job of reinforcing math facts and improving math fluency. We definitely recommend this product for homeschooling families who want additional math and handwriting practice. We will continue to use Page A Day Math as a supplement to our primary curriculum this school year for our rising 1st grader as our goal is mastery instead of just moving through content this year.
Alfrea RM

I really like the quick and easy progress, the kid-friendly size of the books, and the cute graphics don’t hurt either. Each day took him less than 5 minutes to complete, but I love that this is keeping him practicing-with hardly any effort on my end. This is something I plan to keep up through the summer, as I would really like him to have a firm grasp on multiplying at least 1-5 (he knows 9-11s pretty well too) before he starts second grade.
Rachel K.

My girls found these attractive and were happy to try them. Having fun characters has brought math alive for the twin that is going through the physical books. As a side note, if you catch her tracing the characters in her spare time, then you know she’s liking the math books themselves. What’s also good is that children can work through these books independently and it improves both their math and handwriting skills.
Katherine K.

I HIGHLY recommend these math kits if you have a student who is struggling with basic mathematical facts. Even with my children being outside of the targeted age range for the product, I found the product extremely useful and this really seems to be the first product I have found that drills the math facts without being overbearing.
Brenda P.

This summer we spent time on math using this math system because he was having difficulty with math and with his handwriting. Six months later he got a 98% on his math assessment at school. When he said math was his favorite subject I teared up.
Sonja S

My grandkids love this math practice. The best gift I’ve ever given them. They love them. They are learning their basic math facts and over the dogs and they feel smarter! They don't get this practice at school so I'm glad I found this.
Amanda S

This is a great product for your younger students to practice and memorize their facts. I truly recommend it.
Michelle M.

My daughter and I did the first page together and then she independently took over, with me just checking to make sure her review answers were correct. This was by far my daughter’s favorite program review to date. She and I both loved the ease of use and I loved that the focus of the program was not just writing but addition from the get-go. The 10 books in the kit have traceable numbers throughout with empty boxes at the end of each page for review and mastery. My three-year-old was bummed he didn’t get the books to try, but we did download some of Page a Day Math’s handwriting books and he had fun working with his sister tracing Sight Words. A perfect hand-eye coordination activity. When my printer works again I plan to use the printable Multiplication and Division flash cards with my two oldest as they could use the additional aides for the summer months. I would recommend the Pre-K Math Starter kit to anyone who has younger children who wish to work alongside their older siblings, but don’t need a complete curriculum. My daughter and I did the first page together and then she independently took over, with me just checking to make sure her review answers were correct and that she had colored in the stars to show her page of the day was completed.
Rebekah R.

Reagan focused on the Addition Starter Kit and I can already tell a bit of confidence in her math facts. ⠀The repetition of the facts and letters were well done and because it builds on the previous day’s problems it was not frustrating for her as she finished the work.⠀ I would recommend Page a Day Math to anyone looking to supplement their children’s math program for fact practice
Alexis B.

My son got quicker at his math facts as the days went on. At first he had to use his fingers, but over time he memorized many of the facts and could write the answer without counting. My kids adore the Math Squad-dog superheroes, Mo, Zo, Bo, Jo, and Flo that frequent the pages of the books. I love how the flashcards are colorful and have the Math Squad characters on them, unlike typical flashcards, these are attractive to kids!
Lisa T

I was pleasantly surprised that within the first few days, her ability to write the numbers beautifully improved. This is an awesome bonus of the program, especially in a world where much learning is done online; handwriting practice often is left in the dust.
Alexandra K.

My 4 year old has been using this Pre-K Math kit. She loves it. It is so simple to use.This is really a great introduction to adding and she caught on right away and started learning to add from the first day. Everything is so adorable with this program and she is so motivated by the stars.
Natasha B.

I like the repetitive approach to math facts. In reality you are doing both math and handwriting learning simultaneously.This is a great supplement to add to your math curriculum.
Renee K

I love how fun and encouraging this set is! My daughter cannot wait to fill in the yellow star when she completes a page and the cute dog characters are so fun for her to look at. I highly recommend this set to anyone looking for a good math practice workbook.
Amy D

I liked that the font was easy-to-read with a clear distinction between similar-looking numbers like 6 and 9 or 1 and 7. Bam Bam liked the colorful puppy characters from The Math Squad and the silly jokes placed throughout the book. We also liked the progress tracker. It is clear that Page A Day Math desires to help children reach their mathematics potential. The Multiplication Starter Kit lessons were fun and the books offered a clear progression for learning multiplication proficiency. Initially, I was nervous about introducing multiplication at such an early age but this program made the teaching and comprehension easy for both of us.
TaNeisha K

Something I really enjoyed as I used this with my 5 year old is that Page a Day Math doesn't use dotted tracing lines, but rather Tracing Tracks to help form numbers correctly. My son is still new to writing, and he's having an even tougher time thanks to recovering from breaking his dominant arm. The tracing tracks give him an easier way to form the numbers correctly, and he is enjoying the math practice a few times a week! My 10 year old has improved pretty quickly while moving through the books.
Jenn L

One thing I noticed and appreciated about this program is that it is split into manageable chunks. I thought this was a great way to keep my son’s math progress for slipping away, without feeling like a burden
Dawn P.

I loved the size and design of the books. They are approximately 8″x7″ which make them great for C to write in. The text is big enough for her hands but it does require a little bit more fine motor skills than what we had done in the past. I also loved the box the books came in. When I get a curriculum that I have to figure out how to store, it usually ends up in a pile on the desk, but this set was different! It was contained in a small box that was easy to open and housed all the books easily.
Alyssa R Kit

I want my kids to all have a greater mastery with math than I did. My kids really enjoy these because they know just what to do each day. One page a day. Tracing and solving problems as they go along. I think my kids took about ten minutes a day to complete the page (that includes any corrections they needed to make). With all the adorable illustrations on each page, and plenty of fun and encouraging sayings, this is a great way to learn and grow in math fact fluency.
Jennifer K

My son was struggling with multiplication but now he realizes that it doesn't take long to practice. The equations are simple and just reconfirm what he’s learning. It’s a great way to strengthen his multiplication skills while we are transitioning into our next grade. The books are small and glossy, which means they don’t get messed up very easily. And the pictures are colorful and engaging. My daughter was happy to dive right in and actually got started while I was still cleaning up from breakfast. When I came in to show her what to do, she had already figured it out for herself! She actually reminds me that she needs to do her math! The lessons are really easy for all ages to follow.
Katie S

This box was a bright spot in our day with a colorful and cute label. When I asked my son what his thoughts are about this math program, this is how he responded: “It isn’t too simple, and it isn’t too complicated. Also, it has a great way of teaching a kid how to write their numbers in a universally popular handwriting style for good and clear handwriting.” No kidding! That is how he sees it.
Patricia L

My favorite part was the boxes to put the answer in. The actually help you write the numbers! This is brilliant! This thought this would take away some of the anxiety of writing. We have found our groove and are enjoying these pages. They take very little time and it’s helping with confidence along with math and proper number formation.
Trish H

Basic math skills are so important for kids. Starting strong when they are young really makes a difference, especially if they’re excited to start learning. That’s why I was super interested in the idea of the PreK Math Starter Kit from Page a Day Math for Dragonfly (4 years old). Each day when I ask Dragonfly if he wants to do his “number tracing,” I get a very enthusiastic “Yes!!” He calls the main dog mascot, Mo, his “best friend.” It’s really cute. He is learning. I love watching him make the connection between just counting and reading/recognizing numbers. He gets excited when he realizes what he’s seeing, and it’s magical to watch.
Wendy R

One of the most discussed worries with parents I meet who are on the fence about teaching their children at home is their fear of not knowing math well enough to teach it to their children. Quite honestly, I worried about that myself when we first started our homeschool journey. Thanks to the products with this company, I feel encouraged for myself and other families to have all of the necessary tools to confidently teach math in their home. I have to be honest, I truly wish I had found this math curriculum years ago! Each topic progresses naturally to the next and flows in a fun and natural way, encouraging learning and sparking fun and interest in each lesson. I would have struggled so much less had I found this program sooner and I hope you will take an honest look at each product and see if you think it could help your family. This program could have saved years of tears and frustration in my home. It makes math engaging and fun, as it should be. As adorable as these books are with their dog illustrations, jokes and motivational encouragement, nothing can detract from the good, solid, educational content enriching each one. This is an absolute treasure in my home curriculum collection now.
Yvonne B

As adorable as these books are with their dog illustrations, jokes and motivational encouragement, nothing can detract from the good, solid, educational content enriching each one. This is an absolute treasure in my home curriculum collection now. I am overjoyed with the opportunity to enhance my teaching with the foundations my children need to not only succeed in math, but enjoy the journey as well.
Karen M

Now that we’ve been using it for a while I’ve found that my daughter loves practicing her addition facts with the Addition Starter Kit from Page a Day Math! She is excited to work through the one-page worksheet (two-sided) and color in all the stars at the end of each set of problems.
Jesica H

There are always two problems with open answers to be filled in with each new fact learned. I really appreciate this as G is only 3. I love that the tracing prompts in this program continue to help G build up his fine-motor skills and I'm enjoying watching his writing improve bit by bit. You can also see that oftentimes answers are included in the problems to help students have less stress while learning. G really likes the Math Squad jokes found on the back of each book. It is just another fun way to keep him engaged. This incremental PreK Math program encourages children using the playful Math Squad.I love the adorable Math Squad and I love how they each speak for a career option in Math - Rocket Scientist, Doctor, Engineer, Mechanic and Designer.
Kathryn C

This is a cute, fun, and engaging curriculum. My kids love how bright and colorful the curriculum is. The little puppies who do all the teaching, they’re superheroes you know, are cute and definitely make you fall in love with them. We don’t do math drilling for math facts but this is a fun way to get the same results.We have been loving this program and recommend it to anyone who wants math or handwriting help.
Erin S

He loved the cute dogs on every practice page, and enjoyed learning how to do math “like his brothers”. Each day had a perfect amount of practice for him to complete. The assignments supports memorization of the math facts.He enjoyed the Math Squad dogs just as much as his little brother, and enjoyed reading all the things they say, and the jokes at the end of the books.Taking time to practice math facts with Page A Day Math was a lot fun for my boys. More importantly, they have built more fluency with math facts, without complaining.
Mary O

My daughter was a huge fan of the dogs and how “pretty” the books are.My 7 year old son loved that he could easily determine how many questions he had to do each day and that the lessons were short. It helped him to focus and attention I really liked having the printing boxes for my 4 year old son to practise writing the answers. It helped him with forming his numbers correctly.
Dusty H

My 7 year old son loved that he could easily determine how many questions he had to do each day and that the lessons were short. It helped him to focus and attention I really liked having the printing boxes for my 4 year old son to practise writing the answers. It helped him with forming his numbers correctly.
Kari Lynn H

Overall, I think the Page a Day math program packs a lot of learning into a little bit of time. It is a great on the go, supplement, or summer learning program. Intended for ages 6-11, it can really be used by anyone needing some extra practice in math facts. My 6 year old LOVED the Math Squad and would come and show me who was learning with her today. It was cute! My 10 year old worked on Multiplication facts and my 6 year old worked on Addition facts. They liked the lessons- they were short and very reinforcing. Additionally, they were able to use it independently and the lessons work in review with each lesson.
Tawnee H

These are great. I thier grandfather got them for both girls. They work on them at the same time. They love the jokes, stars and certificates. We are half way through the multiplication and they know their multiplication facts so well now. The practice at school wasn't enough so we tried these and they're perfect. They both do them at their own pace. They have alot more confidence now too.
H. B.
If I have this program in my classroom, I'm not making copies, I am not grading papers, and it saves me time, but it saves my students too because they're spending five minutes everyday learning their math facts. Maybe they're doing this seven days, maybe five days a week. They're doing it with their parents, so the parent who really hated math and struggled, they're watching their child succeed. And that's what we want, is success for everyone.
Nicole Tilicki
She's seven years old, so we're just getting started. She loves them. She loves the characters. Zoe is her favorite character. She loves filling out her stars at the end of each page that she completes, and then getting her certificate at the end of the book. It's rewarding for her and she feels accomplished, which is awesome. She just loves doing them entirely on her own. We were sitting down one night on the couch, winding down the day, and she pops up off the couch and she goes, "I forgot to do my Page a Day Math." She ran into the kitchen, grabbed a pencil, grabbed her books, and did probably five pages on her own that night, and was super excited about it. There's something about the books, the little characters, the simple facts and the quickness of each sheet gives them a sense of accomplishment, and it's building a solid foundation.
Betsy Z.
She started the Pre-K Kit and loved it and we are on Addition now. She's ahead of her classmates so she feels like math is easy which we love. I'm glad we started these early because now math is easy for her and she says it is her favorite subject. The thing I liked most about this program is that she learned to work independently right from the start even as a preschooler. She didn't wait for me to sit next to her for help. She just knew she could do it on her own so she would just grab the book she was on and sit and do the daily practice when I was making dinner. The small book size is genius because she feels like she is always finishing a chunk of work. Much better than one big book for a little child.
Suzan P.
These are really helpful because of the handwriting guides that i haven't seen in other math books or apps. Knowing that he is learning his math facts and learning to write neatly at the same time is a huge plus. He likes the superhero characters so getting him to practice hasn't been hard. I have a busy schedule and this is easy for me to fit in.
Momo H.
Now my kids think math is easy. This works. I've tried other programs, other types of books. I've tried making sheets myself. And making sheets myself was always labor intensive. And the amount of time I'm going to spend working with my kids doing this, I don't want to spend that time making my own sheets. So then I tried purchasing other types of books, other types of programs. So far this has been the most straightforward, the easiest, and it focuses on repetition and it goes at the pace kids need.
Dr. Navin K
My 8 year old son is showing a LOT of improvement in his number writing clarity and consistency. (His number writing was TERRIBLE last year, and I wasn't sure how to help him at that time. I think I learned about your curriculum through a Colleen Kessler blog/article.) We have been using your multiplication kit the past few months. Thank you for making such a terrific resource!

We've tried so many things. This one actually works.
Heidi B
“I work with children on the autism spectrum and have had great success with these products. They are beautifully made and more visually appealing to children. I love how the colors are separated into rows on the number charts. Anything that helps grab children’s attention with math is a wonderful tool! I love the curriculum and highly recommend this site. Teacher approved and recommended! ”
Amber Lynch, Teacher
This is a fantastic fact fluency system and so much more. Anyone will find something useful in these products. There is SO MUCH to choose from that I have something for all of my students from 3yrs to almost 11 years old! We added in Page a Day Math a few times per week as a supplement to add to our math, science, and handwriting purposes. I had a student work on PreK Math Starter Kit and Page A Day Math Coloring Book to help build those muscles. My son started in on the Subtraction Starter Kit because he has most of the addition already mastered. One daughter worked on the Multiplication Starter Kit and another on the Division Starter Kit. The Page A Day Math kits are excellent for drilling basic facts, but our love doesn’t stop there.
Margarett C, Madness Mama
This math program is just what it says - a page a day. The package I received (which was amazing to unwrap) has 12 books for multiplication facts 1-12, each book contains 550 problems. The goal is for your child to sit and do a page day. These glossy, soft backed 29 page books are developed to not only help with math facts but to work on handwriting. There is a place for tracing the numbers, learning the math fact, and then solving problems. Each page anywhere from 16-24 problems. And there is a fun certificate showing completion at the end of every book. They offer much more than multiplication-you can choose from pre-k, addition, subtraction, division, and other fun digital downloads. Also, this company wins on packaging!! It was so fun to unwrap this box!!
Angela S

As a homeschool mom teaching math facts can be one of the hardest obstacles to overcome. Even if your child understands the concept, not knowing their math facts makes completing higher math such a challenge for both mom and child! While it is common for people to struggle with math fluency and facts, it doesn’t have to be that way. Page A Day Math is designed to be used one day at a time – one page a day, we modified it to fit our family. This is a beautifully made program. I loved the characters and colors. We will continue to work with Math a Day Multiplication daily for further math fluency.
Patty M

This is the first product I’ve seen that provides writing support throughout the math practice. I find Page A Day Math to be an excellent option for children who are dysgraphic or simply struggling a bit with writing. It reminds me of the adaptive paper my son used in occupational therapy, but in the context of the math book itself. It’s a wonderful blend of support for a struggling writer practicing math facts. Designed to help increase math fluency, the program has grid-lines and boxes to help the learner not just solve the math problem, but write the answer as well! It’s exactly what I spent countless hours doing on my own, except much better looking, more official and easier on mom!
Shawna Wingert is a special education teacher turned educational consultant, and mom of two brilliant boys who have learning differences and special needs

He loves these. They are prefect for preschoolers (and prek parents). He does them totally on his own and he really likes doing them which is most important to me. He's is totally getting addition with these and he's only 4. They go at such a good pace for this age.
Jennifer T

These are really the best multiplication practice we've found. If you are consistent they work and she likes doing them.
D. Bedford

My son's acceptance of this program was tremendous. He had no problem using it every day for 10 minutes. He saw on his own how much he improved in the first week and he was even more excited to practice. ( See this dad's video testimonial at: https://youtu.be/Irr1p1kq9aE )
Brian R.
My kids have been doing “page a day math” for about 2 weeks now and they love it and the characters in the books make it fun. Check them out...Hauser family approved!The adorable characters make it fun for him and he feels like they are helping him learn math. Momo H. AZ Crossfit Instructor |
I bought these for my niece and her daughter loves the books. She says they love the dogs and Flo and Zo are her favorites. What a great idea to make math books that look more like picture books. These make great gifts. Doris C., Retired Enterprise Software Sales Exec. NYC |
Love these books. We tested them out before they were on the market and fell in love with the math squad dogs, right from the start. They definitely make learning math a lot more fun than the printouts we have used in the past. I love that they are in a book and not in an app and that the problems are traced and then solved. Hannah D. Business Consultant, Seattle |