Two Ways to Build Your Child's Confidence

When I see a happy confident child in a classroom, it’s clear that confidence is priceless.

Often parents don’t have the chance to see their own child in the classroom. How can we help our kids feel confident when they become school-age?

As parents, we can be proactive and make sure our kids feel prepared by exposing them to enough reading, math, sharing, waiting their turn, etc. 

A child that has been exposed to early math skills before kindergarten will feel more confident. Early math practice will help them develop that confidence.

With older children, parents should make sure their kids are able to perform at grade level or beyond.

1. Let your child make mistakes!

None of us love making mistakes, right?

But successfully fixing them? That feels great, whether you’re an adult or a young child.

Plus, it catapults learning, because when you’re able to see exactly what went wrong and correct it, you know both what to do, and what NOT to do, next time.

It’s SO important for children to have the opportunity to learn from mistakes, starting as young as possible. Whether they’re working on math activities, printables, or handwriting sheets - it’s crucial to give your child feedback, so that they can figure out what went wrong. 

As tempting as it may be, at times, to fix everything for them, they’ll miss out on the process of fixing their mistake, and in so doing, miss out on the opportunity to learn.

Plus, figuring out what went wrong and making it right is incredibly empowering, and builds confidence.

2. Encourage your child to finish what they start

Finishing what you start is another simple, powerful way to boost confidence.

Page A Day Math books, for example, include an exciting, simple rewards system, so your child can reward themselves and celebrate their progress as they complete each section of the book; and again for finishing the book. Whether your child is working on Pre-K Math activities, Addition worksheets, or even higher level multiplication and division worksheets - they will receive recognition on each page! 

This rewards system helps your child experience the joy of feeling proud of themselves, over and over...all while they improve their math sense and fluency. Solid math sense and math fluency are what will lead to better math scores all throughout their schooling, and ripple into other areas of their schooling and lives.


I visited a 4th/5th grade classroom this week and worked with several 5th graders struggling with simple addition. I wondered if the parents knew their children were struggling and lacked the basic math skills to thrive.  These children lacked confidence. They knew they were behind their peers. These children were very capable but, unfortunately, lacked adequate practice.

As adults, it’s our responsibility to make sure our kids have sufficient practice to be successful.

Click here to get your child a Pre-K Math Starter Kit or Handwriting Kit and advance your child's confidence before they even start kindergarten!

Remember, I offer a 60-day money-back guarantee (no questions asked), so there’s nothing to lose by introducing your child to Page A Day Math!


About the Author and Creator of Page A Day Math

Janice MarksJanice Marks

Janice began her career in education to pursue teaching pre-algebra at BASIS Tucson North, a charter school currently ranked as the sixth-best STEM school in the country by Newsweek. There she found joy in teaching math, working with parents, and inspiring children to believe in themselves and thrive. This experience, along with helping her own children succeed in math, led her to develop the Page A Day Math system.


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