How to practice math at home without frustration!

How to practice math at home without frustration!


Learning can be a really fun experience for everyone. Let's support our kids without frustrating them or ourselves! Use this tool and make each day's learning encouraging and supportive and not frustrating!

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Use code ROCKYOURHOMESCHOOL and get this helpful guide, free!

Did you know? Page A Day Math Kits Are Award-Winning Math Supplements! (click here to learn more)

Page A Day Math Experience
Page A Day Math was created with one goal in mind – make every child a math person! We do things differently, from the design of our product all the way to the thoughtful combination of well-researched features that make every day of your child’s practice count! If you’ve ever seen a child use Page A Day Math you’ve seen the difference it makes and you know the impact it will have on their future.

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