Addition | 12 workbooks
Series 6: ADDITION (age 5-8) 12-Book Series, Flash Cards & Assessments - Page A Day Math with the Math Squad
Series 6: ADDITION (age 5-8) 12-Book Series, Flash Cards & Assessments - Page A Day Math with the Math Squad
Addition | 12 workbooks
Addition | 12 workbooks
Addition | 12 workbooks
Addition | 12 workbooks
Addition | 12 workbooks
Addition | 12 workbooks
Addition | 12 workbooks
Addition | 12 workbooks
Addition | 12 workbooks
Addition | 12 workbooks
Addition | 12 workbooks
Addition | 12 workbooks

Addition | 12 workbooks


The First Individualized Math Learning System, Like Kumon, That Allows Every Student To Study at the "Just Right" Level...from home.

What You'll Get:

  • 12 Addition Books - 6 months of practice
  • Progress Tracker
  • Addition Chart
  • Addition Table
  • Addition Activity
  • Stickers, Bookmarks, Tattoos

Perfect for students in 1st-4th grade, working toward basic addition fact fluency.

Learning objectives addition up to 12+12=24. One new addition fact is introduced each day.
Each book has 32 pages, 40 daily problems, 14 days of practice, 550 problems per book (6,500+ per series). 
This 12-book kit has practice and repetition to last 168 days, fun and easy to use curricula, handwriting aids, daily achievements stars, and a completion certificate at the end of every book!

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