FREE use code TABLECHART - No credit card is needed
1 free download per customer.
These math tools are so much fun! Kids love using them because the Math Squad Superheros make learning fun and cheerful.
You'll be excited when your child tells you they actually want to practice! Your child will quickly improve when they practice their addition facts with the adorable Math Squad who make practicing addition facts and improving addition fluency, so easy.
With this addition math pack, your child will learn addition facts up to 12+12=24. They'll learn to add using the numbers 0-12 without using their fingers! Yay!
There are 2 Formats Available:
- Get the Color Prints shipped to you. You'll get the digital download & stickers too!
- Get the Digital Downloads. Get started right away with these beautifully designed Addition tools that make learning math a joy.
- Addition Table
- Addition Chart
- Addition Activity - Your child can make their own addition book and feel like a math superhero.
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