Mo's SCOOPY Shop is here!
For information about Page A Day Math Games that align with your PRE-4th Grade math curriculum, contact Janice Marks at janice@pageadaymath.com
How to Play
Mo's SCOOPY Shop is a fun ice cream-themed game that teaches children important math skills like counting, adding, and subtracting. Players help Mo, Jo, Bo, Zo, and Flo, the Math Squad puppies, have their ice cream party.
1) Roll both dice and count the number of dots on each die. Then, starting at 0 the player counts the same number of dots on the board’s number line.
2) For addition, start at 0, count that number of dots on the board's number line, and see what number you land on.
3) Then, pick an ice cream card, chose a flavored stick-on/peel-off ice cream scoop, and place them on any empty ice cream scoop on any cone. Watch out...sometimes an ice cream scoop melts and a scoop is lost.
The game ends when all 10 ice cream scoops are full.
Skills learned: addition, subtraction concept, number lines, counting to 12, number sequence, fine motor skills, and working together.
Page A Day Math products are aligned with PreK - 4th-grade math curricula published by Cengage, Pearson, McGraw-Hill, and Saxon. Additionally, our products support concepts learned in the Standards for Mathematical Practice, which were created to ensure that all students graduate with the math skills needed to succeed in their careers and higher education.
In every Page A Day Math Cooperative Game, all players are encouraged to work together to reach a common goal. Along the way, players learn important life skills and become little mathematicians too!
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